Nueva modalidad de fraude: con sentimiento compadre

Muchos de ustedes tienen o han usado alguna vez hi5. Yo estoy ahí pero la verdad no entro nunca …. ayer limpiaba la cuenta de hotmail y ví que alguien desconocido me había escrito en hi5. Entré a mirar y apenas ví el correo pense: “ah, spam, que novedad”. Iba a hacer click en “marcar como spam” cuando miré el perfil de quien había escrito … y digamos (ya verán por qué) que llamó mi atención. Leí entonces cuidadosamente el correo y mientras lo leía pensé lo siguiente: (en orden de aparición)

  1. Es spam
  2. Es un scam, una estafa como la de los millones heredados por un Nigeriano. 
  3. Esta vieja me va es a ofrecer un servicio de webcams-sexo-chat-dates 
  4. Está haciendo una investigación para la universidad y yo soy su conejillo de indias. 
  5. Es una broma. 
  6. Esta loca es un sicópata desesperada por atención …. y yo con locas obsesivas no voy. (tiene que estar MUY jodida para andar buscando gente en otro continente … y que encima de todo lo haya escogido a uno) 

Pero es que por Dios, díganme si luego de ver esas fotos uno no puede dejar de pensar en “Y si…… que tal que fuera cierto?…. ”

En su primer correo hablaba que en el mundo moderno no importaban ni las razas ni las religiones como barreras para las relaciones hombre-mujer. Se presenta como estudiante universitaria en el Reino Unido, que vive cerca de Londres y que vió mi perfil y decidió contactarme. Estaba muy interesada en lo que había escrito sobre mí, y que en el fondo de su corazón algo le dijo que “de pronto”. Que estamos interesados en las mismas cosas, hablaba de su familia, de lo que ella quiere de un hombre y que quería seguri en contacto.

Sonaba raro, porque no había tanto detalle en mi perfil y notaba incoherencias (espacios entre párrafos, típicos de un copy-paste) … pero ante semejante mamacita uno puede obviar esos detalles.

Contesté diciendo que me parecía raro, pero que le daba el beneficio de la duda (de nuevo: ése beneficio se lo ganó… con las fotos) y que listo, que escribiera pues.

Contestó pocas horas después tronco de retahíla con más y más incoherencias …. ya sonaba a sicópata … empezó a hablar de amor y que le encantaba mi forma de ser y mi personalidad (por Dios, yo sólo le dije que listo), de que son cosas del destino (segunda señal), de que era muy temerosa de Dios y no se que cuentos (pierde puntos pero bueno, vuelve y se le perdona), y empieza a decir todas esas mentiras que dicen las viejas cuando se están levantando un tipo para levantarles la moral … que buscan un tipo maduro, que las entienda y eso … cuando sabemos que escogen lo opuesto. Tres párrafos (son en total 7!) más adelante ya me trata de “honey”, y ésta frase fue clave: “So honey, relax ok. You will not regreat ever knowing me ok. Your life will be full of joy because you are with a Godfearing woman.”

Honey? A ver, pero si no le he dicho sino que quiubo! OK, está loca o hay gato encerrado.

Ridículamente fácil, y la malicia indígena actuó luego de leer el primer párrafo …. por eso de inmediato sospeché y le pregunté al que se las sabe todas que me llevó a donde este pobre infeliz, a quien le pasó ésto: una vieja lo contactó por el perfil (no dijo de donde), el caso es que el tipo si cayó, se enamoró, la vieja le empezó a pedir plata porque trabajaba en una petrolera en Nigeria y no podía cambiar los cheques, que luego le pagaba … y el idiota le mandó plata… luego que iba a viajar a conocerlo … pero que para salir de Nigeria tocaba pagar un billete largo … y tenga … otro giro … luego que le dio malaria y que estaba hospitalizida y que por eso no había ido … y plata para re-expedir el pasaje de avión que se perdió … más plata … ya con el tipo bien “llevado” le dijo que si no conseguía plata le tocaría prostituírse (hágame el favor la manipulada!) y tenga … como que el tipo por fin (cuando se le acabó la plata) abrió los ojos pero ya le había sacado €2800… es que en internet si que se ven viejas que se meten a buscar tipos para marraneárselos en forma, (las he visto, si) pero ésto ya es la mamá de las marraneadas, toda una industria de la estafa que hay en África.

Luego de leer esa historia revisé la IP de ella y oh sorpresa. Escribió desde Dakar, Senegal. No que estaba en Inglaterra?

Si señores … cuando una mamacita se fije en susmercedes y le ofrezca su corazón … desconfíe. Ahí hay gato encerrado. Eso no pasa ni en las películas ni en AXN … menos a usted o a mí. Quiere vaciarle su billetera. No muy diferente de la vida real, pero a ésta nisiquiera la va a ver. Vaya forma de calentar huevos, manipuladoras hay en todos lados. Y de las buenas, hasta ancestro paisa tendrá. (por lo mamacita y por lo casquillera). Y no se me ofendan mis queridas lectoras Antioqueñas, pero es que así son susmercedes … mamacitas y casquilleras… las cosas como son, dice Sprite.

Reporté el caso a la única entidad medio competente ( pero supongo que nada pasará. Según leí en alguna parte el fraude de Nigeria movió MILES DE MILLONES DE DOLARES. Como lo leen. Miles de millones, (billones para ellos). Tienen jodidos a los gobiernos porque no lo pueden controlar, pero ya algo han progresado a punta de leyes y advertencias masivas … entonces supongo que es la razón para que haya aparecido esta nueva modalidad, no encontré ninguna alerta seria en ningún sitio especializado, así que esto puede ser primicia mundial. “love scam” le llaman … y es muy, muy fresco. Lo del holandés fue hace un mes.

Ah, le estoy siguiendo el juego … con el fin de coleccionar sus plantillas, traducirlas y montar la versión en español … Hoffen me sugirió que le pidiera plata yo a ella. De pronto el que se termine conviertiendo en millonario sea yo ;). Pero lo de montar el negocito no es mala idea … lo que me falta es no tener conciencia.

Ah vaina…. esa platica se perdió 😉Los correos:
From Andrea
Date 4-10-2006
2:52 PM
Subject Hello Dear.

Hi Dear,

I have the feeling that this piece of mail will reach you in a perfect state of mind and in a better healthy condition.I believe and also have the feeling that in todays world, neither race, nationality nor religion will any longer posse a barrier to male/female relationships. Although, we do not know each other well but I will really like to have you as a friend or pen pal if that is better for you.I am a single lady of 27 years old,currently i am studying international relations at the University of Westminster , London.I am also a member of the TransWorld Youth Organisation Here In Westminster London.I saw your add and i have searchingly gone through your profile,so decided to write to you . I am very interested in what you wrote about yourself. I do not know whatýs matter but when I read your profile I felt something special in my heart and thought ýýMAY BE!!!ýý It seems to me we are interesting in the same things such as mutual love, family, understanding, and successful relationships. I think that all the details about me you can read in my profile, I just want to say you that I am very optimistic, beautiful, merry, caring, understanding, romantic, sexy and I have a great wish to create a happy family in my life. I am looking for a man who seriously wants to have a good family, love and wants to be loved. I think that we can try to know each other better and may be it is a fateýýýý I want to write you some words, I read in one book: ýYou and me from different countries, but I believe in a fate. And I think that nobody come to the Earth without particular reason. The existence of every person carries in itself great since and purpose. Every soul has its own job here. And I think every person desires to feel happiness on the Earth. Each of us is looking for the only ýHALFý of himself with whom we can be happy. And of course, if people find themselves in different countries by the will of fate, that cannot be a barrier for them. They should be meet each other for the rest of their livesý.I was very touched by that. And I think it is very relevant to you and I. But I would like to share some thoughts with you. Thoughts, which may help you to understand my character. I will send you my pictures and will write a letter about myself. I was born and brought up in London.I live with my parents, brothers and sisters. Presently, I am doing my final year in the University and so anxious to graduagate from the University into the free world. While I hope to hear from you soon, I also look forward to receiving some informations about you, your family, country and even your personal life experiences. This will give us the opportunity of knowing each other better and be able to understand ourselves more. May God bless you as I wait to hear from you soon.My E-mail address is;

Yours Love,

Mi primera respuesta:

Hello Andrea. I don’t check hi5 frequently, as you can see … three weeks to see your mail. When I first read it my first thought was: “damn spam”. Second tought was: “oh, it is not spam, it is a hoax, like the nigerian scam”. Third tought was: “maybe is a video-chat-naked-date service you’ll offer me later”. Fourth thought was: “It is a joke”. And finally I think: “She’s making a social/psycological research”. But then I saw your profile and started to think: “hey, can be this real?”. To be honest I don’t know what to think. I didn’t remember my profile was in english too (so it explains most of my initials thoughts) but after carefuly reading your email I decided to give it a shot. So I replied, and sure, I would like to know more about you.

Cheers, (yo)

Su segundo correo:

Hello, Thanks for writing me back , I like your letter and your way of expressing yourself…You know, I should say that I am looking for a strong and true love. A wild passion to drive me crazy and at the same time a stable love to keep me happy and satisfied. a relationship with respect love and caring but with that fire to keep it burning….I can’t live without passion, things have to be intense and at the same time peaceful in the way that one respects the other Individuality.
Oh! Yah! It gives me joy to be reading your mail so that it get through my mind and sink inside my subconcious part of the mind. I like it to take over my whole being and dwell within me all day and all night and everytime. I don’t know how to begin to put things together so you understand what I mean, but well, I want to let you know that i feel the same way you feel about me with the passion that you feel.

I know what it is all about to keep the glow of love and passion on, because that’s what a woman needs and not just for a woman but in a relationship too. Yes, I believe that peace in a relationship is very necessary and beautiful. That is to say, the more intimacy and love in a relationship, the more conducive for peace and respect to reign.

I believe in true love and with a strong passion that can be unshakable in all circumstances, a love that can carry you through from worse time to joyous time. I have long searched for that love but haven’t graped it. And I want to say, your techinical approach and your kind words to me make me to understand that someone somewhere has been kept and designed to come my way.

I want to tell you that nothing happen without a purpose, since you have really demostrated your feelings and thoughs to me, I think I have to come out openly to you. Your wish is my desire ok. Don’t worry about anything, I’m asuring you, our relationship wil be built solidly and constructively. And God’s fearing will be the foundation of our relationship. I don’t really know how to put it but be informed and councious that I’m solidly with you.

Maturity is what I look for in a man.There are some circustance that can crop up in a relationship but with a sense of maturity from the man things can be put right. So I’m quite happy to meet a matured man like you. In fact jugding from your comunication so far, I am very much convinced that we are compatible. I wanna tell you that we can make it in this relationship because your attitude reagarding what it takes to build a realationship and how a couple should work as one to achieve one purpsoe and how the mutuality and intimacy should flow and your manner of outspokeness absolutely give me a conviction that you are my dreamed man.

So honey, relax ok. You will not regreat ever knowing me ok. Your life will be full of joy because you are with a Godfearing woman.

I’m next to the youngest who is about 23. I should be 27 and half now. Ok mm…my mum and dad is ok. I think they should be at their late sixties and late fifties. So that’s a brief information about my family.Mmm.. feel free to ask anything you wanna know about me ok.I love pleasing and being pleased by my man. I like equal relationships rather than being submissive or dominating. I like men with strong personality, but all in peace, no wars, no games.Communication is absolutely essential, to my mind the better a couple communicate, the better the relationship will be. Understanding each other’s needs and caring and respecting them. Understanding the other’s limits and boundaries. And growing which is so important. A relationship where you learn and you teach. Respect for me is the most important thing Communication. And lots of fun!!! That’s what life is about, to have joy and learn from the bad times and pain and suffering (yes we all have to go through them to grow up better people) to make life happy…and I want to find someone to share happiness with me…well, not only happiness because life is not pink, but share difficult times too and make them easier with love and understanding.I am really looking forward to your next mail – I do feel this is the start of a great friendship.

My Mobile Phone number is: 0044703190XXXX (Xs were mine)
Yours Andrea
Yours, Andrea XXXXX

La historia del holandés con el corazón roto y el bolsillo vacío:
It started a month ago when someone react on my profile looking for a soul mate and it looks very nice girl with the heart on the right place and so on. Yes i even fall i love with her and she on offcourse for her i was the next victum. I am .. was completly in love butterfly all over my body wow i found happyness, then she wrote that she worked for a oilcompany Schulmberger that she doing engineer work in directing the oil from platforms to the shore in from of the coast of Nigeria. On her profile she had written that she was american living in Cypress in Florida. She get paychecks from her work and with the security issues there they cannot exchange there paycheck they can only do this at the Barclay bank. We had plans for the future even with married and that she wants children and everything looks normal. She was willing to give up her life to live with me but she cannot exchange there paychecks so how stupid of me i fall for it and send money trough the Western Union and everything we did was a step closer to me and to our happyness. after a while of chatting she is looking how to get to me to start a relationship full of love, respect and honesty, she even send me a email with the booked flight to me. But new problem occur she needs from the authority of Nigeria a BTA Basic Travel Allowence, i have looked every where on the internet and is common under the american people so i foul for it and helped her out with more money, at one side against my will to send money to someone that i did not know in real life, but for true love i willing to go trough hell for her. On 2 april she wil go with the plain to the Netherlands to come in my life but she get malaria and was in the hospital to sick to travel. She wanted to rebook the flight but rebooking cost 300 dollar and she has to pay the bills at the hospital so she needs another 500 euro’s for the BTA to get to me.
Today i was lucky to find someone from the reservations department and told this woman where i was into and that i was maybe a victem of fraud and i needed so help so she found out it was booked on the 23 marth and on 24th marth she didnot pay it booked flight and therfor the reservation will automaticly cancel. This girlfriend was not planning to come but i could not get trough with the phone and didnot want to know from my friend al the negative talks, deep in my heart i know she was coming.
Yes true love makes you blind.
There was no reservation at all so on the story that shy told me she was lieing too me and i started to doubt in her. I was able to find out her IP address, this i found once in there email message and later i tricked her by telling her to see me live on the webcam then look on my site, and trough webcamXP the program i found her IP address and even twice time the same IP, and count the email address with it it is tree time the same IP-address. I still not know if she is really the person that shy told me, only that she tell a lie by coming to me, my heart is breaking and my love world is falling apart.
I still don’t know what to think anymore but selling my car to help her out is going to far, she told me that she has no other choise then to going into the prostitute her to get money so she can fly out of there. If you love her so much and you read this it hurt so badly that i really do not know what to do anymore. She has offered my to ssend the money back to me if i wanted it. Or she is really in this posistion and she is blond and stupid or she is very smart girl to get me over the line.

I looking on the internet for answers to help me with this quest, i have turned this love into a yacht to get them payed for, as long i have contact with her i try to get more information about her but where you have to look, i even think that somehow they monitoring my email accounts of my own domain, i have lost all trust in everybody specially on the internet.
They have only my name from my passport and address and telephone number and mobile phone number, they don’t have credit cards information from me. I hate truely hate the free email account in this world, because of these free account it give the crime more anonymous indentity. This is my story of my live and will pay for the rest of my life, i am broke and grounded and have no job, i am doomed in this world, i am to week t say no, to warm personality so is there someone that can help me with idear or agency’s where i can look for, the yacht on them is opened, i change my feeling into a challenge to hunt them down and maybe helping others to prevent for falling into this kind of fraud.
greetings from the victum

Totally loss in money: 2800 euro’s

Mi segunda respuesta:

Hello Andrea, Thanks for your fast reply and for letting me know all those things about you. I would love to start a relationship with you, sure … I prefer instant messenger programs like skype, which features video and chat all in one, and free….and then we can see if there’s chemistry and if it’s worth it… At what time you can connect? I’m eager to see you on a webcam.


Su tercer correo:

I just have to thank you for replying my mail, if not for other things but for the efforts you made to type the email. I want to inform you in this mail ,I’ve turned to the Internet to look for a partner/friend, because I haven’t yet met someone who has really fulfilled my expectations. I’m not searching for adventures or games, on the contrary, I hope to find that special person in you, and someone with whom I can create the family I’ve always wanted and spend the rest of my life with. Therefore, I sincerely look forward to becoming a proof that this type of meeting possibility really works and changes people’s lives… Well, I grew up and did all my schooling in Westminster London down here in United Kingdom. As regards my family, we are just three in numbers, I am the first child while second, she by profession a nurse,the last but still in School studying Sociology.

I have great regards for my school and give to it all the necessary attentions. To have a good mark and job.Judging from your mail, you look cute and charming, I’m sure you’ve received many responses and proposals, but please believe me that it’s not my intention to just flatter you, by telling you that you’ve impressed me! Nevertheless “I enjoy spoiling and pampering my partner… I believe in God; I feel that family is the most important support in life; I know true love exists; I immensely value friendship; honesty, I hate conflict; I’m sincere and detest hypocrisy; I’m open minded; I respect other’s ideas and listen to them (so I expect to be listened to, because I wait for my turn to speak); I’m witty and have a great sense of humour;

I think our destiny is something we discover every day,every hour,minutes,and seconds, reflecting to and depending on how we face it, what we do and what we don’t and I do not believe in second chance, first good impression. Appealing, cerebral and of average size, my best qualities are loyalty, passion and creativity. I am a Lady of great integrity, my quiet serene demeanor accords me an air of mystery and diffidence as I go my way as a serene, wise observer of human society. I have a penchant for remaining above the fray and for maintaining my individuality. I am always well groomed and my eyes are framed by handsome eyeglasses.

I can be best described as optimistic, high spirited and broadminded. I love romance, freedom and I am very much future oriented. I am a physical person. I respond to the world through action, rather than practicality, intellect, or emotion. While I am about action and getting things started, I am not in a hurry. I want to experience life, rather than read about it. I am an eager explorer and interested in mental outreach. I enjoy travel and spiritual study, and have a daring and adventurous spirit. I am high-spirited and enthusiastic, often flirtatious, and enjoy social life immensely. In my leisure time, athleticism comes to the forefront but for now this hobby is already slipping away from my hands. Personal challenge is always appreciated, and I prefer solitary or one-on-one sports that stretch myself to the limit. My philosophical side makes me enjoy drama and debate, as well as most other mentally challenging pursuits. In love relationships, I am sincere, straightforward, flirtatious and playful. I can also be one cool customer. Although few would describe me as being warm, cuddly, or sentimental, those close to me see me as an important source of support in their lives. That’s because when things are chaotic or falling apart, I’m the type of person who can be virtually unflappable. I am also known for being a talented problem solver. When it comes to my relationships, I usually know how to speak up for myself so that others know what I want. But that doesn’t mean I’m rigid or inflexible. In fact, I’m quite willing to acquiesce for the right person. They just need to make their case honestly.

The type of man who attracts me is honest, direct, and reliable – who can be my “pal”. I like a man who’s playful one minute, and philosophical the next. Above all, companionship, honesty, and idealism appeal to me – and a sense of humour! My ideal partner is a very passionate person who knows how to fully enjoy life. He has a highly active imagination when it comes to trying new things. More than most people, he knows how to value the pleasures of romance and is not afraid to pursue those feelings when the timing is right. He also has a strong intellect, with a penetrating thought process and a continual curiosity about the world around him.

I paints romantic portraits with words. Strong, but sensitive. Healthy, beautiful body. Warm soft voice with curious accent. NOT into the abuse of anyone or anything. Wise as a sage, with heart of a child. Love and forgiveness a way of life. Bohemian. Social transcendant. Spiritual drummer. Faithful friend. Very romantic sweet lover. I would like to meet a man that believes in the power of love and forgiveness. Wants to transcend beyond the worldly norm and discover new vistas of companionship, sharing, peace, and joy. Someone who is very romantic and believes in angels Surely, no one lives to himself or herself and what ever we can do today for one another may stand for our glory tomorrow. Love feels no burden,thinks nothing of trouble,attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility…It is therefore able to undertake all things, and it completes many things,and warrants them to take effect,where he who does not love would faint and lie down.Love is watchful and sleeping, slumbereth not. Though weary, it is not tired;though pressed, it is not straitened;though alarmed, it is not confounded… Friends are God’s way of taking care of us. There is only one happiness in life,to love and be loved.Marriage is not a ritual or an end.It is a long, intricate,intimate dance together and nothing matters morethan your own sense of balance and your choice of partner.
I remain Yours Truly in Love.

Mayo 8:
I am just writing you to let you know how much I love you. I know we have many miles separating us but I know we’ll make it through. Dear, you mean the world to me and no one can ever compare to you. I think about you all the time, like I said, I wake up to thoughts of you and go to sleep with thoughts of you. Your name repeats over and over in my mind. Each day my love grows stronger for you and I know for a fact that my love will never fade. These miles between us won’t fade away but I know that our love will keep us together. It’s so weird for us to be so far away from each other but yet so close. I love you,My Dear.

Always yours,

De por Dios …. ésta mujer si se enamora rápido! 😉 En vista de que no contesté de una, volvió y mandó otro ….

Mayo 11 de 2006:


Even though we are apart, my heart will always be with you. As long as we have the memories, yesterday remains. As long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we are still in love, each day is never a waste and the waiting will prove to be worthwhile.

I wish I didn’t have to miss you. If only you could be with me always, I know I could never be any happier. But then again, I know that the day will come when I will be able to spend my every waking moment with you and I won’t have to lose sleep. I even miss you when I am sleeping. I love you, Dear. You are my first and my only love and I thank you for be so kind with my heart. Hopefully, soon I won’t have to hate missing you.

Blowing you a kiss ….

Love always,

Le contesté diciendo que yo también pensaba lo mismo, que y entonces que buenas que para lo de conocernos o o que? De nuevo le digo sobre la webcam, de nuevo se hace la loca …. pero bueno, ya está avanzando, ya el agua del molino pasa de inglaterra a senegal …. que sorpresa!!!

Mayo 12:

Hello My Dear !

I’m happy, that I have decided to communicate with you via mail. My Mobile phone number is: XXXXX .You know, when I started my search, I really didn’t believe that I can find somebody, like you.But I have to say, that I am not looking for just empty correspondence, I want to say, that my intentions are serious, and I look for my future guy.I hope you understand me, I have to say, that I am very interested in you, I want to know you better, and I want to understand you, what kind of man you are… And you know, I think you should decide, what is right for both of Us…..My parents were happy when i told them that i have found a friend from another country.
Like i told you before,i am still a student of the university of Westminster here in London.I do not have a job at the moment,i depend on my parents for any Financial help.I am a member of the TransWorld Youth Organisation here in London.I hope to get a good job once i graduated from the university.I all pray and hope that we shall be together soon because i want to invite you for a youth conference that will take place soon here in London and in Dakar-Senegal West-Africa.I have never travelled out of the United Kingdom before,and i am really happy to find a faithful man that i will live together in another together as my husband.It is a good adventure that i want to embark on. I really hope that we will continue our correspondence,and I want to tell you some more about myself.
I’m 5ft 11inches, my weight 58 kg. As you saw at photos, I have brown eyes and brown hair. I like decorate my home, and use in this flowers off cause too. I like tender colors and pastel tones. What colors do you prefer? I like ice-cream.I like cooking and this is my privilege when we have any celebration, because all my friends think that I’m the best. But I’m not agreeing with them, because I know at least once 1 person, my mom, she cook better, and she is my teacher in Home Cooking. I am “Single lady”, and I’ve Brother, and Sister. I have no children,…..but i hope to have some..someday?
My desire is to find the man, with whom I can spend my life together, I understand, that the days go, and we getting older, and I don’t want to feel lonely, anymore, and i think, that I have a chance With you. For ever since i saw your Profile.My life has never been the same, my life has changed for good….for without you……..My whole World will crumble…..Please, i need you, and i want to know you better….For us Knowing or Meeting oursleves for Real, will build a Stronger,Better, and a “Meanful Productive relationship”….my best wishes.

Le contesté que “oh, que casualidad” … voy a viajar el próximo mes a Inglaterra y que entonces que le parecía si nos veíamos allá en lugar de africa …. a ver que decía!! 😉

Contestó una semana después (lo que indica que los que no son de copy-paste hay que pensarlos y toman más tiempo)

Mayo 19:

How are you and how are you doing over there.I have being longing to have a lovely Intelligent man as my friend,this is now the opportunity for me to get together with you and share good times together with you.I love what you said about yourself in the last email that you sent to me.I need someone that can sing for me and both of us will dance together.I have a lovely family here in London,i am the second in my family of three People.
The TransWorld Youth Organisation which i am one of the members is having a Youth conference in the month of June this year,i was privileged to participate in the forth coming conference and i am one of the chief speakers too.It is on the transformation of the youth,i will be giving three speeches in the conference.I am working very hard for it and i also want you to come and participate in the conference.

It will not be hard for you to get the London Visa,because the Youth Organisation will take care of that once you are able to meet up with their requirements.I really want to have that chance to meet you here in the UK.TransWorld Youth is an Organisation here in London that is hosting the conference.The Organisation will cater for all your expenses from your country to London as long as you have your international travelling passport.I want you to invite your friends too for the conference because TransWorld Youth wants to enlighten other African countries on the importance of bringing up healthy youths in our time.
You have to form a group of maximum of six people or minimum of three people from your group.Write to the Organisation and tell the secretary that one of the chief speakers in the forth coming conference on transformation of the youth invited you to participate in the conference with your group.
The address is; trans4world@XXXXXX
The secretary is Mrs.Cynthia Roberts.They will tell you more about your invitation and process your group visas for the conference with your flight tickets.Both here in London and Senegal West Africa.The Organisation TransWorld Youth will pay for your flight ticket and your hotel accommodation in London too.But you will only have to book for your hotel accommodation in Senegal West-Africa.I will send you an official invitation which you will forward to the Organisation for your group visa processing.
I am waiting to hear from you,please endeavour to attend the conference.I will stop from here till i hear from you again.

Yours Andrea.

Pues no dije nada sobre mi personalidad pero igual le encantó ;)… me ama, me adora pero es el último mensaje que me va a enviar más hasta que no pague el viaje, que amor más extraño oiga! Y ya echó el anzuelo: Si me pagan los pasajes y todo! Esa gente de transwolrd youth son unas madres!! Que lleve amigos, alguien se ofrece a acompañarme? Si montaran con mayor cuidado la vaina (es decir: que las respuestas fueran coherentes con lo que uno escribió y no se notara el copy-paste) seguro caía más gente … ah, los procesos, la ingeniería, el seguimiento…… palabra que estoy tentado de montar el negocito.

Mas links de interés para evitar cear en estafas como ésta

13 thoughts on “Nueva modalidad de fraude: con sentimiento compadre”

  1. Ya, claro copy y paste. Respondida mi pregunta. Jajaja, muy divertido. Pero tienes razón, con un poco de dedicación, y mails adhoc, la cosa sería un superexitazo. Si montas el negocio me avisa, jajaja

    =-=-=-Patton responde (02/08/2007 @ 12:49)-=-=-=-=
    Que le voy a avisar! 😛

  2. ay no, absurdo que caigan sólo con mails… yo pensé, bueeeno, algo interesante le debieron mostrar al holandés, por lo menos… y no…? doh!

    eso me hace pensar que debió haber gente que cayera hasta en el virus gallego XD, así como hubo gente que cayó en el que decía que borrara un archivo de system32 XD XD XD
    deberías añadir esos también, quién quita q estés salvando a algún incauto que venga por acá XD

    y sobre las calentahuevos, como dice un amigo, "al que le van a dar le guardan y al que no sólo se lo muestran" XD

    =-=-=-Patton responde (02/08/2007 @ 12:48)-=-=-=-=
    jejejej. Pos sí.

  3. Voy empacando para que nos vayamos?

    O nos conseguimos par viejas aqui y montamos el negocio a la inversa?

    =-=-=-Patton responde (02/08/2007 @ 12:48)-=-=-=-=
    Mejor montarlo, sí.

  4. she mailed me the same person but this time with the name of elson stewart
    not andrea i loved him too much as you loved her.but when she asked me for money i knew that she is or he is an intelligent thief.

    =-=-=-Patton responde (02/08/2007 @ 12:50)-=-=-=-=
    Not that smart though. It is easy to know there is a series of copy-pasted emails.

  5. he recibido varios email del tipo copy-paste de una tal con mucha similitud a los que recibiste. soy venezolano y quisiera saber mas acerca de este tipo de estafa.

    =-=-=-Patton responde (02/08/2007 @ 12:48)-=-=-=-=
    Esto es todo lo que sé. Tu simplemente no te dejes robar.

  6. parece mentira pero es la verdad, deberias hacer unacedana de visos para que no caigan en estas estafas…. ahora de todo se puede espera en esta web.. ada

    =-=-=-Patton responde (02/08/2007 @ 12:51)-=-=-=-=
    Es tener algo de sentido de común.

  7. Jejeje buena la historia. Una vez mantuve a un scammer como 3 meses hablandome sobre la industria petrolera. Me llegó con el nombre de Reza Abdula. Las estafas de este tipo funcionan porque hay mucha gente que se entrega a las emociones y no se toma mucho tiempo para pensar.

    =-=-=-Patton responde (02/08/2007 @ 12:51)-=-=-=-=
    Y los impulsivos son más que los que usan el cerebro. De eso viven ellos y lo del phishing.

  8. Hey como estan todos, soy dominicano y estuve a punto de caer en el gancho, pero me di cuenta y le respondi para atras con lo siguiente:

    After you sent me the first e-mail and attempted to call my attention via HI-5 which you did not (by the way), I have been researching about your so called

    =-=-=-Patton responde (25/09/2007 @ 19:38)-=-=-=-=
    Le hubieras contestado pa-lante 😉

  9. Yo tengo una idea. Por que no les sobrecargamos sus servidores (los de todo nigeria) con alguna clase de ataque de denegación distribuida de servicio. Yo tengo una amiga que trabaja para los de M$, podría intentar usar el PC de ella (y sus credenciales) para tomar control de los sistemas de M$ y usarlos para atacar los servidores de nigeria. Revienta a todos esos scammers y el contraataque del gobierno contra la M$ reventará todas esas cosas malas que M$ está haciendo en secreto.

    =-=-=-Patton responde (14/03/2008 @ 11:55)-=-=-=-=
    Dudo que funcionaría, es un mafia muy bien organizada. me quedo con los conductos regulares.

  10. Muchas de las respuestas que mandan no tienen sentido. Y por el cambio de estilo creo que hay mas de una persona respondiendo. Y es insistencia en que es la segunda en una familia de tres?. Quien carajo repite eso? Suena como cuando alguien recalca sobre experiencia laboral (que tal vez ni tiene) para que le den un puesto.

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